If you read through the last few blogs you will know what it means to us to finally have a home of our own. It has been an interesting yet exciting season to say the least. We are in full on nesting mode over here with the house. Slowly making it more and more feel like home. The WEEK we went in contract on our home we also found out some shocking news. You will figure out pretty quickly looking through the photos from our session with Ashley D Photography, ENJOY! :-D

Hopefully you caught on - but if not scroll back through! HAHA!

Yes we are in fact expecting our 4th baby this fall and we are already 19 weeks along. Crazy how fast this has gone. We were not intentionally keeping this a secret but with the house and all the changes AND my intense morning (ALL DAY) sickness…. we are truthfully JUST catching our breath.

SO SURPRISE! Logesky baby number 4 is coming soon AND we are so excited that this little one is another BOY! Jaddeus is getting a baby brother and he couldn’t be more excited. He is ALL about the baby and likes to remind us often that he is “his baby”.

We have much more to share on the house and all things baby but for now we will let the news settle. Make sure to peep some of our favorite rooms in the house that we have not showed you before. The transformations on those rooms are just SO GOOD! Let us know what questions you have around the house, baby or just life. We are excited to share more soon!

- Sharing, serving, and celebrating,

Andrew + Chrissy
